Home > Bacula Enterprise Compatibility

Bacula Enterprise is available and certified on a broad range of operating systems. It actually covers over 34 different OS’s including Debian 11!

You can backup various hypervisors with Bacula Enterprise including:

Bacula was a wide support of databases including:

Thanks to its modular and compartmented architecture, Bacula Enterprise is also able to support a large catalog of hardware solutions and its compatibility with autochangers is extremely high. And (mainly due to its open source foundations), Bacula is able to assure data compatibility for 30 years (providing you have the appropriate hardware).

Bacula Enterprise delivers full, natively integrated Hybrid Cloud capability, via S3, Azure, Glacier, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud interfaces.

Platform Availability Service Level Agreement
Linux i32/i64 Server and Client FULL
FreeBSD Server and Client FULL
Solaris Server and Client FULL
Windows i32/i64 Client ONLY FULL
Other Un*x/BSD Systems Client ONLY Reasonable effort
Bacula's especially wide range of features

Bacula has an especially wide range of technology compatibility compared to other vendors

Further help:

  • BWeb™ Management Suite is a comprehensive GUI management suite for Bacula Enterprise that provides backup reports and metrics.
  • Backup training is available in different locations, depending on the Certified Bacula Systems Training Center you choose.