The ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage product line consists of seven appliance models. Each appliance is sized for a full backup and for long-term retention – and is certified with Bacula.

Any ExaGrid appliance can be mixed and matched in the same scale-out system with any other size or age appliance, allowing customers to buy what they need as they need it. This pay-as-you-grow model allows up to 32 appliances in a single scale-out system. All with the added security blanket of Bacula Enterprise.

ExaGrid Tiered Backup Storage for backup product line consists of six appliance models. Each appliance is sized for a full backup and for long-term retention.

Any ExaGrid appliance can be mixed and matched in the same scale-out system with any other size or age appliance, allowing customers to buy what they need as they need it. This pay-as-you-grow model allows up to 32 appliances in a single scale-out system.

All appliances and systems are managed by a single user interface. Multiple systems can be deployed in a single site, which allows for full backups up to petabytes.

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ExaGrid, in conjunction with Bacula, supports many unique features, integrations and interfaces to improve security, performance and scalability, such as: native immutability in Bacula and ExaGrid, multiplexing and parallelism of backups, scale-out for virtually infinite ExaGrid appliances, and global deduplication for easiest job management.
ExaGrid deduplication can even leverage backup software deduplication and add additional deduplication to increase overall rates, resulting in even greater disk and bandwidth savings. It is the only solution that provides a unique disk-cache Landing Zone that maintains full copies of the most recent backups of all Bacula workloads so that restores, recoveries, VM boots, and copies to tape are as efficient as possible – as fast as backups to disk.

As shown in Figure 2, presenting ExaGrid volumes to Bacula is extremely easy to configure, as are immutable replications.

Bacula and ExaGrid: Immutable Multi-Tier and Certified Backups 2

Figure 2. Configuration of ExaGrid shares and replications.

On the Bacula side, the Aligned plugin showed optimal reduction with 128Kb blocks. As shown in Figure 3, backups can be extremely fast with the ingestion of many terabytes in an hour.

Bacula and ExaGrid: Immutable Multi-Tier and Certified Backups 3Figure 3. Backup data written by Bacula on ExaGrid Appliances.