Home > Corporate Data Backup > Enterprise Data Backup Tools > Yosemite Server Backup and Recovery

As Bacula increasingly becomes the replacement backup and recovery solution-of-choice for many medium large and large enterprises, there has been an especially notable switch from users of Yosemite Server backup solution to Bacula Enterprise.

Since Yosemite Server was EOL’d, System administrators with experience of Yosemite Server have stated that they appreciate the positive similarities that Bacula has with Yosemite Server – but preferring the added flexibility and compatibility that Bacula brings. Of course, all this comes with the especially large range of features, security and modern architecture that Bacula delivers.

Bacula is a modern, independent, stand-alone software backup solution for medium and large enterprises that need control over their own IT department. It is used by NASA, Swisscom, Turner Studios, Sky, Rackspace, and many more large organizations that need a future-proof solution with outstanding levels of security built into its architecture.

Move forwards with a modern Backup and Recovery solution that prepares you for tomorrow’s IT environments such as Edge servers, Docker and Kubernetes Clusters, Proxmox, RHV, KVM, VMware, Hyper-V and Xen. Bacula also has an especially wide range of compatibility with many different database-types.

Bacula replaces Yosemite Server with a solution that has:

  • No backup limitations in number of servers or files
  • No data-volume related charges
  • A vast range of tape library, tape drive or other magnetic media storage compatibilities (incl. LTO-8)
  • Superior security against ransomware and malware
  • Typically far lower costs than other vendors
  • Super-fast data recovery
  • Massive, stable scalability
  • Native integration with with an especially wide range of Hypervisor types
  • Complete ability to backup Kubernetes clusters, including persistent data
  • Hybrid cloud capability
  • Native integration with with an especially wide range of Database types
  • Far better support than any other backup vendor
  • Advanced and extremely powerful deduplication engines